An Inconvenient Truth…Or A Convenient Lie?

I’ve written multiple articles on the deception that is oh so prevalent in the scope creep issue. From the misappropriation of medical titles to the misuse of the term “collaboration” to the strategic “spinning” rampant in the Full Practice Authority(FPA) movement to fabrications so profound they rise to serious violations of the law. Lying is intrinsic to the medical culture over this topic. The deceit is enabled and endorsed by academic medical centers, community hospitals, medical clinics and even medical schools. Online medical directories exist with nurse practitioners, physician assistants and other non-physician practitioners(NPPs) listed under “physician” categories. Despite them not actually being physicians AND enjoying special days/weeks/months specifically dedicated to each of their unique disciplines, NPPs are also included, by the aforementioned entities, in the celebration of days supposedly devoted to honoring physicians. The most recent example of this nonsense is the University of Kansas-St. Francis campus who, on 2/3/22, promoted an entire video and Facebook page to celebrate National Women Physician’s Day–to anybody with an XX-chromosome providing health care. In this written promotion, note how the insidious, but not so subtle segué from “female physicians” to “female providers” immediately diminishes the significant accomplishment of Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell by merging “physician” with “provider”. 

This conflation also appears as if U of K has more female physicians than it actually has. Their ad is misleading…..but what’s a little fib when distorting the truth is the name of the game? In addition, no honorable mention of the first Black female physician in the United States, Dr. Rebecca Crumpler–this being Black History month and all….one would think someone in their marketing department would have noticed. Still, U of K sure as hell managed to name all of the female non-physician practitioners in their midst. But I digress. U of K, St. Francis campus, had one day to get this s**t right and honor female physicians exclusively. ONE DAY out of the entire year–and they still f**ked it up.

What irks me most is the ease with which the purposeful disinformation in scope creep occurs. So casual as to be considered acceptable. Normalization of deviance at its best–and worst. It’s wrong and distasteful; yet, the offenders will not acknowledge this because it means accepting the utter repugnance of their behavior. Denial is much more preferable. The copious use of euphemisms permit the offenders to remain in denial about their despicable conduct. Lying has such a bad connotation. Although lying suggests purposeful intent to deceive and therefore potentially cause harm, to concede that fact is not an option(nor is telling the truth) for the wrongdoers, for they would be considered…well…liars. No one likes being called a liar, even when they are.

Fraudulence is the modus operandi for professionals intent on practicing medicine without a license. In fact, the entire scope creep matter in medicine is predicated, and I daresay completely dependent upon, duplicitous behavior by non-physician practitioners, physicians, corporate executives, politicians and even the public. Scope creep would almost certainly fail without the assistance of these human catalysts. So the connivers proceed….their lack of a moral compass securely intact.

“No legacy is so rich as honesty.”

―William Shakespeare, All’s Well That Ends Well

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