The Official Guide to Starting Your Own Direct Primary Care Practice is Now Available on Audible and I Have a Deal for You

I am proud to announce that the Audible version of The Official Guide to Starting Your Own Direct Primary Care Practice is now available. Did I pay for a narrator? No. I am too cheap for that. So, yes, you will be hearing my voice narrate this book. If you are an Audible subscriber then you are all set to go.

If you are not an Audible subscriber then the cost is $13.08 (Amazon makes up this price). I can save you $3 and get you a free book in exchange. Here is how this works. The best book I have ever written is called Noki, about a young man with autism. It is a heartwarming story that truly needs to be shared. I had a huge amount of patients with autism in my practice and they were very dear to my heart.

If you purchase Noki for $9.99 (starting now) and show me the Amazon receipt through email then I will send you a promo code to get the Audible version of The Official Guide to Starting Your Own Direct Primary Care Practice for FREE! Just email me with that information at [email protected]. This is limited to only 25 people at this time. 

ALL PROFITS FROM THIS PROMOTION WILL GO TO The Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism, Inc.