Insurance Propaganda Sounds Like Russian Radio

The internet is a vast field of quicksand, waiting to trap you if you try to wander around.

I love 80s music.  Youtube is full of hour-long audio mixes of obscure 80s titles you’ve never heard before.  Just search “obscure 80s new wave” and you will discover previously unheard 80s music.  It makes for wonderful background music.

As part of this, I encountered a song called “Russian Radio” from a group called “Red Flag” and it made me think of my days in middle school and early high school listening to shortwave broadcasts. I had an old shortwave radio with vacuum tubes which was incredibly good at pulling in far-away transmissions when hooked to a massive antenna that spanned high in the trees above our house.  I’m glad it never was hit by lightning…

One of the first distant stations you encountered was Radio Moscow.  It started with some creepy repetitive chimes at the top of the hour so you would find the station.  Then, the English broadcasts would start.  The announcers were always so upbeat.  Then they did the news and the slant was definitely against the U.S.  As the broadcasts continued, they would get more heavy-handed with the anti-U.S. commentary.

Eventually, the droning propaganda grew more boring and I turned the dial elsewhere.

As luck would have it in my internet wandering, I found this thirty-minute clip of Radio Moscow from 1980 (It even starts with the creepy chimes).

If you never listened to shortwave radio in the 60’s, 70’s or early 80’s, it’s worth listening to this slice of history.

It kind of reminds me of those horrible ads on TV promoting United Healthcare Medicare Advantage.  Totally unbelievable propaganda!

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