Video of Pfizer Employee Explaining COVID Vaccine Research Debunked?

This was the title of an article in Medpage Today. Feel free to read and see how they NEVER explain how the video was debunked. Here is their only accusation:

It is currently unclear if the man in the video is actually an employee of Pfizer, and if that is his real name.

Unclear? Hmmmm. How about looking into it some more? It’s called investigating.

What does Pfizer say?

Pfizer released a statementopens in a new tab or window on Friday summarily debunking the claims made in the video, noting that the company “has not conducted gain of function or directed evolution research” related to its “ongoing development of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.”

Well, there you have it. If Pfizer says they are NOT doing these things then end of story, right? What kind of reporting is this? The comments to the article at the end are great as 90% of doctors rip this author as well.

The guy in the Pfizer video is Jordan Tristan Walker. Every video is edited. They have to shorten things for people to watch. Was it manipulated? There is no evidence of that. Anyway, Walker’s position was validated by Project Veritas but I can see you being suspicious of that especially if you lean left. Here is the funny thing. You can try Googling Jordan Tristan Walker and his name pretty well scrubbed from the web. Why is that? How is that even possible?

Here is where the story gets better.

The image below is the letter from Pfizer admitting one of their colleagues got filmed and warned others about Project Veritas.


My concerns are this:

  1. I don’t know if Mr. Walker was trying to impress someone and was bullshitting his story. It’s what guys do. Someone should follow up on this. Politics should stay out of the truth in medicine.
  2. How does Medpage Today fall for stupid propaganda from Big Pharma? How could they say it was debunked? Oh, they get paid by Pfizer, that’s right. See the cover image on top. Pfizer’s ad is right next to the article! Got that, KevinMD? That is who you sold out to.

Medpage Today needs to apologize and retract its garbage article. And Michael DePeau-Wilson, Enterprise & Investigative Writer, needs to be investigated himself for impersonating a journalist.

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