The BMJ and Europe Push Back Against the AAP on Gender Affirming Care

I recently posted how the AAP is moving toward Idiocracy by allowing its members to push for renaming anatomy. Well, Europe and the British Medical Journal seem to be at odds with them as well. Here is a little taste of a recent statement by them:

The American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP) reaffirmed its policy supporting the gender affirming model of care while at the same time announcing that it would commission a systematic review of the evidence and “develop an expanded set of guidance” on medical treatment in minors.1

The announcement marks a shift for the AAP, which last year defended its 2018 policy statement 2 to The BMJ as being based on a “rigorous evidence review.”

The policy recommends “developmentally appropriate healthcare” including medical and surgical intervention.

But some specialists have criticised the academy for promoting treatments whose outcomes lack the certainty afforded by a systematic review of the evidence.3

Gordon Guyatt, distinguished professor in the department of health research methods, evidence, and impact at McMaster University and one of the founders of evidence based medicine, explained to The BMJ that with few exceptions, strong recommendations should not be based on low quality evidence. And “trustworthy guidelines” follow systematic reviews, not the other way around 4

Existing systematic reviews567 have led countries including the UK, Finland, and Sweden to promote a cautious approach that prioritises psychotherapy for minors experiencing gender dysphoria or incongruence while restricting puberty blockers to clinical trials.

I am truly amazed at how the AAP has politicized medicine. They seem to be the most radical of all organizations. They are now the ANTIFA of healthcare. If you look at their stance on COVID-19 (school closures, masking, boosters, ignoring side effects of the shot, etc) it is quite scary. The line above that says “trustworthy guidelines follow systemic reviews, not the other way around” really says it all, Politics over evidence is NOT how we treat patients.

The lawsuits against the AAP are starting as well. Take this case (the image above shows the accusation):

The lawsuit read, “Plaintiff Isabelle M. Ayala (f.k.a. Giovanni Ayala) is an unfortunate victim of a collection of actors who prioritized politics and ideology over children’s safety, health, and well-being.”

The complaint followed that the AAP as well as seven doctors and 15 “John Does” were guilty of “civil conspiracy, fraud, medical malpractice, and other related causes of action in connection with their collective failure” to treat Ayala properly for her suicidal thoughts, depression and anxiety.

At fourteen, Ayala was convinced by doctors to start testosterone and other hormone therapy to begin transitioning to a boy. Ayala later made an unsuccessful suicide attempt after six months of treatment, alleging that the transitioning care continued regardless.

The procedure was likely motivated, according to the lawsuit, by the 2018 AAP policy statement that promoted guidance to help children receive “gender-affirming care.” 

I am not a lawyer so I have no idea who wins this case but suing an organization like the AAP is big. Do they deserve it? 100%. Radical ideology wrapped around political agendas is not good medicine. It’s time for a change.

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