NHS: Doctors Should Not Encourage Children to Change Their Names and Pronouns as they are Going Through a Phase!

We are at a schism for children and the treatment of gender dysphoria. Actually, is it legal in this country to say gender dysphoria or do we need to worry about being jailed? Well, this just in, England is NOT on board for treating children for this issue and neither are the authors of this post. Please read our articles here:

You can read this article from MSN here but the highlights are below:

  • Most children who believe that they are transgender are just going through a “phase”, the NHS has said, as it warns that doctors should not encourage them to change their names and pronouns.
  • NHS England has announced plans for tightening controls on the treatment of under 18s questioning their gender, including a ban on prescribing puberty blockers outside of strict clinical trials.
  • They note that there is a need to change the services because there is currently “scarce and inconclusive evidence to support clinical decision-making”.

Interesting. Clinical trials? Evidence? We guess these things are important before making prescribing life-changing treatment to children?

Remember, FIRST DO NO HARM. All those who have succumbed to political correctness, fear, viral memes, and social pressure need to be held accountable for the harm they have done. The bullseye is on you, AAP.

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